5 tips for effective UX designs

2 min readMar 12, 2022

1. Don’t reinvent the wheel

It’s all about engagement when it comes to UX design. As a result, one of the most crucial aspects of app development is engagement. However, UX designers are prone to recreating the wheel or attempting to fix what isn’t wrong.

There’s a reason most websites and mobile apps are designed in this way: it works. Why? Users are accustomed to it. That is the psychology of habitual behaviour. Change isn’t always welcomed by users. They’re accustomed to the traditional manner of presenting and find it difficult to adjust to something new.

Instead of differentiating, this approach hinders engagement and scares away the people you want to attract and engage.

That’s why it’s best to stick to tried-and-true layouts across a product, tweaking them slightly to match your specific aims (such call-to-action spots or teasers that say “you might also be interested in”).

2. Keep it simple and practice responsive design

Another common issue in the UX design process is when things become far too intricate for their own good. The common patterns are present, but they are excessive, and the design fails as a result.

When a visitor arrives at a website that is physically crammed with elements and distracting typography, the end effect is that the user will leave and go somewhere else, which is exactly what you don’t want. As a result, it’s preferable to keep things simple.

3. Understand your target audience’s needs and demands

Without first understanding the needs and desires of the target audience, UX designers would be unable to create the best UX design scheme. What exactly is the issue here? Because of the misconception that if you operate in a market area, you automatically know what the audience wants and needs without having to research it.

These two steps will help you get this crucial user experience information properly during the design process:

  • Surveys are a great way to get feedback from your users.
  • In person or remotely, observe how users interact with your product or similar products.

4. Make different elements visually distinct

One of the most essential aims for UX designers is to create aesthetically different page layouts. It’s a way to keep the user journey flowing and the experience engaging.

It’s always a nice thing when you don’t have to worry about where to look or what to do and can just… do it.

5. Maintain consistency of the user flow throughout the journey

The “flow,” or the constant continuity of the user’s trip, is one of the most important practical components of user experience design. In terms of design, flow occurs when a user’s trip from one portion of a website or mobile app to the next is smooth and serves the ultimate aim of delivering value. Take, for example, a website flow. A user’s trip begins at an entry point, which is commonly the homepage or a blog post. You must consider where that entry point will lead.

Originally published at https://interacxion.io on March 12, 2022.




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